After 2005, he also worked for the parliamentary office of Die Zeit, Germany's most prestigious weekly newspaper.
All this work was recognized by the prestigious French newspaper, Le Monde, as an innovative alternative to face the global crisis.
She published 21 poems in the "most prestigious newspapers and magazines of her day."
It made Page 1 of the nation's most prestigious newspaper.
And although I went on to publish two books and work at another prestigious newspaper, my parents were never more proud of anything I wrote.
During the same period he also worked at The Herald, one of the most prestigious newspapers of Britain.
He sent for the editor of a small but prestigious newspaper in Arizona.
His own writings, which were largely journalistic, continued to appear in the most prestigious Spanish newspapers even as his body and mind progressively deteriorated.
The only conceivable reason some of these individuals can have a job writing for a prestigious newspapers is connections.
This does not seem like a winning strategy for America's most prestigious newspaper.