After graduation he began his career in the court as a scholar as a relatively prestigious senior sixth rank upper in 870.
After the victory, Zang was given the prestigious rank of Mayor of the Capitol and was called to Luoyang.
From 1757 to 1771, he was the Gouverneur de Paris (Military governor of Paris), an ancient and prestigious rank representing the king in the capital.
Thus he was presented with the highest and most prestigious religious rank within the Islamic community of Bosnia-Hercegovina:
As a daughter of the king, she held the prestigious rank of Fille de France.
Normally an officer would be waiting double or triple that time before gaining such a prestigious rank.
Before this eloquence, all the armor of graduate degrees, corporate titles and prestigious rank fell.
He has become an eBay gold power seller, a prestigious rank among merchants who do high-volume business and get overwhelmingly positive feedback from customers.
He achieved the prestigious rank of Kammersänger.
A member of the House of Bourbon, he held the prestigious rank of Prince du Sang.