Stresa is a prestigious restaurant with a down-to-earth wine list of 46 appropriately priced and picked selections.
There is evidence that she and the Prince favored the more prestigious Parisian restaurants with their patronage.
It was Al Ajami, once one of Beirut's most prestigious restaurants.
And there are even fewer star chefs, the ones who clone their prestigious restaurants and turn themselves into hot "brands."
But those distributors were not able to fill every order yesterday, even from Manhattan's most expensive and prestigious restaurants.
The interiors he has dreamed up for prestigious restaurants and hotels are talked about and revered across the globe.
Against their wishes, he went to work at a prestigious restaurant and learned to cook.
Sarah Levy, for instance, spent years working as a pastry chef in prestigious restaurants.
The story is based on a young Spanish chef working at a prestigious restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland.
Many of the Island's most popular and prestigious restaurants will again serve their signature dishes.