They cannot really wage a war of aggression against anyone, as all the presumed opponents have more.
New voter-registration figures indicate why both President Clinton and his presumed Republican opponent, Bob Dole, are already campaigning hard in New Jersey.
Not only was he making politics fun and interesting, but he was fair and kind to his presumed political opponents.
Ms. Weingarten is close to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mr. Giuliani's presumed opponent in the upcoming Senate race.
Not that Mr. Sahl is any fan of Mr. Bush's presumed opponent, Senator John Kerry, whom he calls a Social Democrat.
Balancing Bush's miniblunder is the misquotation committed by his presumed Democratic opponent, Senator John Kerry.
Mr. Clinton's presumed Republican opponent, Bob Dole, said today that "I should think Yeltsin would feel pretty good about it."
Mr. Clinton's presumed opponent in the elections, Bob Dole, withheld criticism about the peacekeeping mission as he began his first full day of campaigning after his retirement from the Senate.
Last week it emerged again with her handling of the subject of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, an issue that drew fire from her presumed opponent, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
For now, though, Mrs. Clinton was described as more than happy to yield to her presumed Republican opponent.