In season 3, she begins to enter further into her preteen years and demands respect as an adult from Fiona.
Mark's father has not been involved in his life since his preteen years; he was raised by his mother, Sheila Mark.
This injury has also been reported in infants younger than six months and in older children up to the preteen years.
This attraction normally starts to form in the preteen years.
Many were in their preteen years when Mr. King was beaten by officers in 1991 and riots erupted in 1992.
For Swift, we have to go all the way back to her preteen years to dig up the days before anyone knew who she was.
The PG-13 rating is meant to advise parents that the film may not be appropriate for youngsters in the preteen years.
Soon after she decided to take a course in skincare, largely because she had personally suffered from acne since her preteen years.
During his adolescence and preteen years, Silkski was known as the kid with the sleepy eyes.
During his preteen years he informally joined the local band Chébere during live performances.