His words fell dull and, in his ears, remote, though every remaining sense had become preternaturally sharp.
Su-Cha he charged with using his preternaturally sharp eyes and nose.
The hawk-headed taheen looked up, perhaps following her gaze, perhaps hearing the chimes with its preternaturally sharp ears.
She was preternaturally sharp, after all.
Anger welled in Conan, and the dullness in his smoldering blue eyes vanished, growing preternaturally sharp.
He had climbed past the shrines on Mount Seleya and ventured into the eternal snows near its preternaturally sharp peaks.
Krysty's preternaturally sharp hearing picked up the sound of steps moving cautiously down the creaking stairs from the high attic.
With preternaturally sharp senses she heard the movement of all the darkness that swirled outside.
He had remembered the wood with uncanny accuracy, as though despite his sickness and fatigue - that night his sight had been preternaturally sharp.
Her eyes seemed preternaturally sharp, taking in every splinter and paint flake on the side of the house.