In a statement, the command noted that investigators routinely obtained sworn statements from suspects, subjects, victims and witnesses in pretrial interviews.
Thomas M. Messer, the former director of the museum, said in a deposition, a pretrial interview by lawyers, that the museum kept silent "so as not to drive the stolen item underground."
Mr. Wolf has sought to exploit that sentiment in pretrial interviews.
After that, Barrett stayed in the apartment, concentrating on the transcripts that Donna had made of Zelkin's and his own pretrial taped interviews with their own witnesses.
So instead of the pretrial interview that many lawyers use to prepare young victims and witnesses, victims' advocates and lawyers send them to Court School.
It was 23 percent higher for those who had used firearms and 17 percent higher for those classified as dangerous during pretrial interviews.
Mr. Kowalski and Mr. Clymer were careful in the pretrial interview not to discuss details of the case.
Last year an appeals court ordered a retrial, citing the jurors' fears, expressed during pretrial interviews in court, that an acquittal could spark riots in their own neighborhoods.
In pretrial interviews, the lawyers for Shakespeare and the Earl of Oxford both said they had been interested in literary history and criticism since their days before law school.
An 11-year-old girl arrives for a pretrial interview.