In cases where there was no pretrial settlement and the dispute went to the small case session, taxpayers fared much worse.
But since most pretrial settlements are never made public, it is impossible to say with any certainty that this settlement sets a record.
It is the largest pretrial settlement by the city in a personal injury lawsuit, said lawyers for the man, Carlton Brown, and for the city.
A guilty defendant can use pretrial settlement to influence the complainant not to cooperate with the prosecution.
The moratorium also applies to pretrial settlements.
A pretrial settlement is not expected.
That's a pretrial settlement, and then I'll bet let off the hook?
Oh, they didn't have the makings of a complete lawsuit at this point, but maybe enough for a pretrial settlement.
Moreover, pretrial settlements have reflected the persuasiveness of Refac's patent arguments.
It was the largest pretrial settlement in the city's history.