Their cruelty comes prettily wrapped in tidy packages - despite the skeletal dragon tails that kick up the skirts of their ball gowns.
It didn't matter how inappropriate the gifts might be, as long as they were prettily wrapped, and everyone got one.
"Never did envy you that particular mousetrap, even if it did come so prettily wrapped," the General said.
I shoved the roses I'd purchased into her arms, and other gifts I'd wrapped prettily, one she'd chosen to give him after Bart's party.
She snorted, but readily accepted the prettily wrapped box from Ian's outstretched hand.
He's essentially a host, renowned for his humility and hospitality, for rounding out your meal with a prettily wrapped coffeecake for breakfast the next morning.
There were stacks of prettily wrapped gifts under it and a single white dove where traditionalists would have put a star or an angel.
As she joined him in the petit salon he came towards her with a prettily wrapped package in his hands.
When Danny, Chris, and Missy counted the meager number of prettily wrapped packages on the floor, there was a chorus of disappointed voices behind her.
In the living room stood a Christmas tree, and under the tree lay prettily wrapped presents.