"These tests can be pretty blunt instruments."
But lately the assessments of its imperfections have become pretty blunt.
The sheriff could be pretty blunt, and he shot the charge straight, without any quibbling.
"We're all giving him pretty blunt messages," the diplomat said.
In the end, though, they turn out to be pretty blunt instruments against a poker player whose skills were legendary.
This is going to sound pretty blunt, I'm afraid.
When I asked a Chevron public relations hand what was driving the decision to leave the city proper, he was pretty blunt.
He's pretty blunt and pretty direct but is not terribly comfortable talking with people from outside his "fraternity".
But everyone's willing to believe it because the Zaldans, to be pretty blunt about it, are really annoying.
We'd better sharpen this knife, it's getting pretty blunt.