It looked as if the nights in this area were pretty chilly.
"You know," I said, "if we don't get the cargo pack by nightfall, it could be pretty chilly."
They'll warm the hall in the summer, when the sun shines, but probably make things pretty chilly in the winter.
"Don't jump your fences, pardner, " I told him, pretty chilly.
The nights can get pretty chilly up here in the mountains.
There was no fireplace in here, so it was pretty chilly, but better than outside.
Those friendly cold-callers turn pretty chilly when their targets turn out to be aggressive, too.
Though it was pretty chilly up on my roof, this grill is so small, it could easily fit on a small balcony or patio.
And although just about everywhere's seen a good deal of sunshine, it has continued to feel pretty chilly.
It's getting pretty chilly in the morning; we can really feel winter is coming.