"Okay, but I'm warning you, it's going to sound pretty far-fetched at first."
"The idea that Internet video is going to change the dynamic in the near term is pretty far-fetched."
"Seems pretty far-fetched, unless Twittle and the killer are friends."
"That's a pretty far-fetched theory," said the mechanician as he carefully looked at the tracks.
"I know it sounds pretty far-fetched," he went on.
We have come up with some strategies, some of them pretty far-fetched, as we will readily admit.
But you have to admit this is pretty far-fetched.
What you're telling me might be pretty far-fetched, but it's not entirely without foundation.
"You're asking me to believe in a pretty far-fetched story, when Occam's razor demands a much simpler explanation."
Despite Chandler's demand for greater realism, his own plots could be pretty far-fetched, and they're not always coherent, either.