From what Symington said it should be a pretty good-sized room.
"And a pretty good-sized tanker goes for $15 million to $25 million."
Whatever the particulars, it was a pretty good-sized guy.
So this one guy- pretty good-sized and athletic looking-got his back up.
And we should have a pretty good-sized seaway through it in a few more day.
I had a pretty good-sized headache, and I was slightly dizzy, but that soon passed.
It was looking like a pretty good-sized fleet was gathering for the attack, and they still weren't moving.
She had dug a pretty good-sized square-shaped hole at the base of the mound.
"I think H.P. has some pretty good-sized challenges having to do with several major transitions," he said.
By then it looked like he had a pretty good-sized socket wrench hidden down there.