After all, Willis is a pretty insignificant creature take it easy, Jim!
But he added, "If there were a rule that said all documentaries and documentarians must be totally detached from the implications of the documentary, we would get pretty insignificant stuff."
It might loom large in financial terms, but 'rock' occupies a pretty insignificant corner of the house of popular music, aesthetically speaking.
You know how kids are - all that imagination turns something pretty insignificant into a big deal.
I suspect it is pretty insignificant.
It makes going 2 for 7 seem pretty insignificant.
As for whether Coca-Cola will take a tax deduction for the donation, Mr. Jones said, "it would be pretty insignificant if we did," adding: "It's more about the spirit of the donation than the financial consideration.
What seemed a pretty insignificant thing to do was vitally important as things turned out.
It seems fairly obvious to me that the decision to withdraw child benefit was an ill-thought out bit of gesture politics to underpin the "all in it together" rhetoric and pretty insignificant in the great scheme of things.
People downloading the latest episode of Desperate Housewives etc. is pretty insignificant compared to those disgusting criminal acts.