"When you are playing with a goalie that good, you'd have to be pretty selfish to start asking about yourself."
"That seems pretty selfish to me," Vivian said.
Because seriously, if you are, I think it's pretty selfish of you.
"When you win, you look pretty selfish complaining," he said.
"This is pretty selfish of me, isn't it?"
She'd have to be pretty selfish to go through life without ever calling on the phone or sending a card.
To expect guidance or answers when her whole world might be walking into darkness was pretty selfish of her.
I could see no way of helping anyone else, so my ideas began to get pretty selfish.
Not as far as I know, but you're taking a pretty selfish attitude over this, aren't you?
It's pretty selfish for this one guy to take it on himself to make this decision for groups of people in public.