The Congress of Vienna was essentially conservative, assuring that little would change in Europe and preventing Germany from uniting.
This was a check to prevent either Germany or France from intervening militarily in any future war with Russia.
The treaty also limited the German Navy, and prevented Germany from building or possessing any capital ships.
When the particulars of the design became known by the Allies, they attempted to prevent Germany from building them.
It became known as the Morgenthau Plan, and was intended to prevent Germany from having the industrial base to start another world war.
"I should have asked: Why was it ridiculous to think that Auschwitz would always prevent Germany from being normal?"
Extensive bombing by the Allied forces prevented Germany from producing any helicopters in large quantities during the war.
But constitutional restrictions have prevented Germany from sending armed forces overseas to take part in United Nations peacekeeping operations.
The Treaty of Versailles was designed to prevent Germany from ever again taking the offensive.