Later, a series of laws passed by the first Israeli government prevented Palestinians from returning to their homes, or claiming their property.
None of the rubble has yet been taken away, preventing Palestinians from building homes and developing other projects in the evacuated Gaza settlements.
But there is no way, he adds, to prevent Palestinians in the territories from talking to whomever they want.
At times, they prevented Palestinians from confronting Israeli troops.
The primary purpose of the curfew was to prevent Palestinians from intensifying the intifada indicating support for Iraq.
The roadblocks prevented Palestinians from going to their jobs in Israel.
But Israel would maintain control over security and prevent Palestinians from creating a framework for an independent state.
Israel says the curfew is needed to prevent Palestinians from exploiting the conflict by distracting soldiers.
Neither should Israeli troops be allowed to prevent wounded and injured Palestinians from getting to hospital.
Zoning laws prevent Palestinians from legally building homes.