The grates, which jut about three feet away from the balconies that line each guest floor, are shaped like troughs to prevent accidental falls.
Mr. Brooks said that would prevent accidental locking.
Some dishwashers include a child-lockout feature to prevent accidental starting or stopping of the wash cycle by children.
A lock-on switch allows for continuous cutting and a lock-off switch prevents accidental starting.
While the infantry version had a long point, versions carried by the cavalry had a rounded tip that prevented accidental stabbing of the cavalryman's foot.
As an added feature, in order to prevent accidental pressing of emergency alarms there are flaps over the alarm buttons where the wheelchair spaces are.
Prevent accidental falls off the platform onto the lower track area, suicide attempts and homicides by pushing.
Features lock-on switch for continuous running and lock-off switch, which prevents accidental starting.
The keys prevent accidental mixing of XLR and XLD connectors.
Newborns frequently wear mittens to prevent accidental scratching.