The Germans also placed it at the bottom of rivers and small streams to prevent any troop movement across these areas.
Such factors must be targeted to prevent and reduce violence within and across all settings.
A "no" vote by any single country would prevent the adoption of the constitution across the union.
Mere soothing words, however, may not be enough to prevent the building of new walls across the middle of Europe.
He had erected the signs after he lost a legal battle to prevent the building of the freeway across his land.
They tried to prevent state roads across pristine federal land.
It calculates that cameras prevent 1,745 deaths or serious injuries a year across Britain.
What can prevent similar episodes across the country?
A simple call to (212) 869-2929 is very likely to prevent headaches, large losses of money and repeat trips across town.
We cannot prevent international transplant tourism without better coordination of the transplantation programmes across the Union.