And remember to get your flu shots, to prevent respiratory ailments, too.
We looked at the risk factors for each disease and asked the experts what women could do to prevent such ailments.
Scientists once thought those vitamins could help prevent ailments like cancer and heart disease, but rigorous studies found no such effects.
Before that, doctors had freely recommended hormones, knowing they would ease menopause symptoms and believing they would also help prevent heart disease and other chronic ailments.
Drug companies are continually developing products to prevent or treat ailments of the elderly, and many of the new drugs, though effective, are expensive.
But new research suggesting that cranberries may help prevent ailments like ulcers and periodontal disease could make the fruit a year-round journalistic staple.
Like chicken soup, which is thought to help common sicknesses in the West, it is widely believed in Korea that samgyetang can both cure and prevent physical ailments.
When physicians take the time to give sound advice, they have the opportunity to prevent future ailments because patients often try to make the recommended changes.
In otherwise healthy people, some scientific evidence indicates that multivitamin supplements do not prevent cancer, heart disease, or other ailments.
Two vaccines prevent respiratory ailments caused by the bacteria Haemophilus influenzae type b, or Hib, and streptococcus pneumoniae.