Lack of money prevented alterations from being made.
The Assembly was originally conceived of as a way expediting the draft constitution so to prevent leftist alterations.
It usually has a blue border to distinguish from replacement tiles and prevent alterations.
Two years ago, preservationists lost a battle to prevent radical alterations to the 1964 building, which was originally designed by the architect Edward Durell Stone.
But the bad news for the Reeves is that, where permission has not been given, the landlord's right to prevent unauthorised alterations can be lost by delay.
Councilman David Yassky of Brooklyn helped lead the effort to reverse the designation, which would have prevented alterations to the building's exterior.
The preservation and documentation of the evidence on the body must be initiated by the investigator at the scene to prevent alterations or contamination.
National Register status does not necessarily prevent alterations.
I would emphasise that this proposal is not an attempt to prevent alterations to on-going climate change.
Multiple approaches and combined efforts may be needed to promote comfort and prevent alterations in the integrity of the skin.