At the meeting federation vice-chairman Richard Coyles called for 3,000 more beat bobbies throughout the country to prevent 'anarchy' in cities.
Biya described his opponents as inexperienced and said that he was only person who could prevent anarchy in Cameroon.
Guthi have played an important role in maintaining a harmony in Newari society and in preventing anarchy.
For Mr. Gorbachev and the West to recognize their importance could prevent anarchy - unless it comes too late.
To prevent absolute anarchy, martial law was declared.
Funston felt he needed to prevent anarchy.
At a meeting before the season, the president of the league proposed a rule change to prevent anarchy on the base paths because of overthrown balls.
It must be strong enough to prevent anarchy from returning to Bunia.
He thought that enacting a local monarchy would help to prevent anarchy, which would not end simply with independence from Spain.
In contrast, the Herzegovina Croats have set up local civil authority to prevent anarchy and allow administrative functioning.