The new employees, who will work at a factory that has not been built yet, will make drug-coated stents to prevent arteries from becoming reblocked after surgery.
Researchers said today that they have discovered a long-elusive molecule that allows a beneficial form of cholesterol to hook up to cells, a finding that could help scientists explain how the substance helps prevent clogged arteries.
The process, called reverse cholesterol transport, is thought to be crucial to preventing clogged arteries.
He wrote that the highest concentrations of resveratrol, a compound that is said to reduce cholesterol in the body and help prevent clogged arteries and blood clots, was typically found in Bordeaux grapes.
The Endeavor clinical trial primarily tested whether the stent is as effective as Johnson & Johnson's Cypher stent in preventing arteries from reclogging eight months after the implant.
Unique to women, smoking lowers their estrogen and their high-density lipoproteins that prevent arteries from blockage.
Mr. Clinton is now on a new diet and taking a statin as part of a multidrug regimen to lower his cholesterol and blood pressure and to prevent newly blocked arteries.
These tasty tubers are also rich in potassium, inflammation-fighting vitamin C, and vitamin B6, which may prevent clogged arteries.
A changing notion of how heart attacks occur ought to lower expectations for the traditional methods used to prevent arteries from clogging shut.
Unsaturated fats - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated - are deemed beneficial because they prevent clogged arteries that block the flow of blood to the heart and brain.