Indian Army troops were deployed in the area and took up positions around the camp to prevent fresh assaults.
But preventing new assaults on civil liberties is not nearly enough.
In January 2011 there were calls for this facility to be extended to other lines, to help prevent indecent assaults on women.
Most prisons make little effort to prevent sexual assaults and provide minimal attention for victims.
After the war, it was also thought that female police officers might help to prevent indecent exposure and sexual assaults on children.
The unit had been established to patrol high-crime areas in an effort to prevent robberies, rapes, murders and assaults.
East German propaganda holds that the wall was thrown up to prevent reactionary assaults on the new socialist state.
Church officials responded by saying that they were merely trying to prevent assaults and robberies in the St. Mark's graveyard.
But the Russian Government does not appear to have any firm clues about the culprits or about how to prevent such assaults in the future.
Radio frequency tags - transponders about the size of a bar of soap - may help prevent such assaults.