In Bosnia, the government said the new charges would help prevent such atrocities from occurring in the future.
Let us see what we can do to prevent further atrocities such as nearly happened here.
He accepts that the duty of the Government was to prevent these abuses and atrocities.
I believe we have a duty to use force, if it will help prevent atrocities.
The goal is to stop existing violations, highlight harmful legislation and prevent further atrocities from taking place.
Fortunately, there are ways to prevent atrocities in distant parts of the world without turning to the American military.
But what can be done to prevent such atrocities?
Media are needed, Goell says, to limit excesses, prevent atrocities.
The collection of information is important to prevent awful atrocities, such as those we have seen in Madrid.
I believed the reason there was a God was to prevent such atrocities from happening to the same person twice.