Lumbar puncture or surgical treatment may be required to prevent optic atrophy in cases of intracranial hypertension refractory to treatment with immunomodulators and steroids.
The whole point is to prevent atrophy.
The goal of the latter is only to achieve fast reinnervation of the mimetic muscle to prevent irreversible atrophy.
Once a diagnosis is made, usually by age 2, physical therapy should begin immediately to prevent contractures and atrophy of muscles that worsen the child's disability.
He researches the others in the tubes and finds that their minds are artificially stimulated to prevent mental atrophy.
This function, manufacturers say, helps prevent bone degeneration and muscular atrophy, and improves bowel and bladder function.
The suit uses a system of elastic bands and pulleys that create artificial forces against which the body can work, to prevent muscular atrophy and reduce osteoporosis.
Staff members reposition them in their wheelchairs every few hours to prevent atrophy.
Frequent intercourse also helps to prevent vaginal atrophy.
Exercise programs, along with manual therapy, will help to prevent muscle contractures, spasms and atrophy.