Now in the UK we have laws which prevent most wild birds from being taken and put in a cage.
It is a net used to prevent birds from reaching certain areas.
They are also used on airfields to prevent birds accumulating near runways and causing a potential hazard to aircraft.
Effective emitters randomize pitch, magnitude, time interval, sound sequence and other factors to prevent birds from getting used to them.
Therefore the people now do nothing to prevent birds and animals from consuming their produce.
To prevent birds pulling them up, net the rows until they root and cut off any wispy tips.
Another secondary function is to prevent birds and squirrels from nesting in the chimney.
He acts as a tutor to his cousin, Souffle, and his magic prevents birds from blocking the player's path.
They would also prevent other birds from going to the houses.
Thus, studies have shown effectiveness is very low within months of initial contact when using ultrasonic sound generators to prevent birds from habitating an area.