As a result, cells can only divide a certain number of times before the DNA loss prevents further division.
Philip was especially anxious to prevent division over the subject of the Eucharist.
Mutations that prevent the formation of MinE rings result in MinCD polymers' extending well beyond the polar zones, preventing division from occurring.
Chemotherapy can be thought of as a poison that prevents the growth and division of all cells in the body including cancerous cells.
And therefore in any civilized society the government is going to have to take some measures to prevent division of labor from proceeding to its limits.
This helped prevent division of the country into three parts, instead of two.
Their husbands' families, intent on preventing division of land and homes, frequently forced them to remarry back into the family.
To prevent division of authority a chief general or strategos autokrator could be appointed with authority over the whole board.
In June 2006 Chapman said that an excessive emphasis on Calvinism should be avoided to prevent division in the church.
The phosphatase protein performs a regulatory role within the cell cycle, preventing uncontrolled growth and division of cells.