A slightly different approach to prevent dogs pulling on the leash is provided by head collars, which have become widely available during recent years.
These dog collars prevent dogs from licking their wounds after surgery.
Two ways of preventing C. hepatica infections is humans would be to institute effective rodent control programs and preventing dogs and cats from eating rodents.
Because these devices tighten when animals pull on them, they help prevent dogs from slipping their leashes and give handlers greater control over the animals.
A locking lid prevents dogs from infiltrating the machine, and rubber "feet" prevent skidding.
In suburbia borders need to be sealed to prevent dogs soiling their neighbours gardens.
Conn employed a ladder and homemade grappling hook to scale the wall and used cayenne pepper to prevent dogs from following his scent.
Further difficulties in killing spotted hyenas with dogs include the species' thick skin, which prevents dogs from inflicting serious damage to the animal's muscles.
There are several preventives available by prescription from a veterinarian to prevent dogs from getting whipworm.
The cocaine was reportedly covered in coffee to prevent specially trained dogs from detecting the cocaine.