The lifeguard is able to provide all these elements to help prevent drownings (or other incidents) in their area of responsibility, and for this reason this should be the primary focus of a lifeguard's activities, as it is better to stop an incident occurring than trying to react once it has occurred.
Life Saving Victoria works to prevent drownings and other water related deaths and injuries in Victoria.
Captains of refugee boats will have to pay for repairs or face confiscation of their vessels, a move the Foreign Ministry said was aimed at preventing drownings and blocking what it called a "fraudulent and inhuman" traffic in Haitian refugees involving businesses in Florida.
In an attempt to prevent drownings of children who fall into swimming pools while no one is looking, an electronics engineer in Colorado has patented an alarm system activated by a small transmitter that children would wear.
Lifeguard towers are used to watch and supervise swimmers in order to prevent drownings and other dangers.
In order to prevent further drownings, a man named Jin Yunpu in Xiaolingwei (孝陵卫) sponsored a wooden bridge.
After they are open they require 24-hour main-tenance and security to prevent unauthorized use and accidental drownings.
Technology like this cannot prevent kidnappings or drownings.
The goal of the foundation is to prevent drownings by teaching every child in the United States how to swim.
The idea is to develop ways to prevent such injuries, in the same way that efforts are made to prevent drownings or reduce traffic accidents.