This Alert describes two separate incidents that resulted in five fatalities, and occurred within the same week (150 miles apart), and provides recommendations aimed at preventing auger-related electrocutions.
The entire power grid of Puerto Rico was shut down by the government of Sila Maria Calderón as the storm approached to prevent electrocutions and infrastructure damage.
Police workers in the city sent text messages to keep people away from flooded streets to prevent electrocutions.
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service began the criminal prosecution of Moon Lake after the utility notified the service of the bird deaths - most of which had occurred near a remote Chevron oil field in Colorado - and asked for help in preventing future electrocutions.
Electrical Safety & Generators Preventing electrocutions associated with generators plugged Into household circuits... NIOSH Electrical Safety Publications on electrical safety.
Transit workers, realizing that some riders had fled into the tunnel, cut off third rail power to prevent electrocutions, making it impossible for other trains to bypass the station on the express track.
Authorities cut off the power supply to the city to prevent electrocutions from downed wires.
But the new features will not prevent electrocutions when dryers are immersed when the switch is turned on.