If others' actions threaten one's boundaries, one communicates this to prevent escalation.
Gathering intelligence about a location has the potential to save lives and prevent further escalation of a conflict.
Stringent measures were taken to prevent further escalation of violence.
The best way to prevent escalation, he added, is to notify the police at the first sign of abusive behavior.
However we need more care for lower needs especially as that can prevent escalation.
By analyzing the major weapons choices and the ways in which the nuclear arms race has escalated, we may be able to prevent further escalation.
"We're taking all necessary steps to prevent escalation, but at the same time we must defend our citizens," he said.
It hasn't been able to prevent escalation of the war, let alone force a negotiated end.
Because acting when violence first occurs also prevents escalation and is the most important step in prevention.
The European Union should make efforts to prevent escalation of the present crisis.