In September 1941, General von Brauchitsch suggested that weekly visits for all younger soldiers be considered mandatory to prevent "sexual excesses" among them.
"They prevent or ameliorate excesses which could lead to more painful violence."
Paper's editor tells Leveson inquiry that regulator was not proactive enough in preventing excesses in press coverage.
The Israeli code's latest revision reflects an apparent trend toward stricter controls over interrogators to prevent excesses that have led to deaths and injuries.
Nonetheless, it is market action that will prevent economic excesses like those of the past, according to Mr. Hyman.
Although officially illegal, prostitution in Thailand is monitored and regulated by the government to stem the spread of STD's and to prevent excesses.
This means that there are no Soviet officers to prevent excesses by the Romanian army or to help the demonstrators.
His command was intended solely to prevent individual excesses which could damage discipline within army ranks, without changing the extermination intentions of the order.
According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, healthful diets contain the amounts of essential nutrients and energy needed to prevent nutritional deficiencies and excesses.
However, their immense powers are hedged with checks and balances to prevent excesses.