Tariffs - Taxes on imports prevent foreign firms from entering into domestic markets.
Of course, the deal also poses the same risks that have prevented other financial firms from being taken over by private equity investors.
These prevent American firms working on a level playing field commercially with Chinese ones.
This is an attempt to circumvent inclusion or prevent major African-American firms from getting to the next level.
The government also prevented firms from laying off workers or closing factories.
Ministers are also believed to be examining ways to prevent firms that become insolvent from winding up their pension schemes.
They also plan to campaign for new laws to protect other workers by preventing firms from raiding their pension fund money.
In imposing standards, governments increase the private cost of production by preventing firms from adopting the cost-minimizing techniques that would otherwise have been employed.
Why should we who are charged with representing the peoples of Europe pass a law to prevent firms from giving good deals to their customers?
These changes will eliminate the Fed's current incentive to prop up the economy through an accommodative monetary policy to prevent firms from failing.