It had been his idea to land troops upon Shroud's Head, to prevent flight to the landward side.
But by definition the first justification, preventing flight, is weak or nonexistent where removal seems a remote possibility at best.
The usual reasons for nabbing people are to prevent flight or destruction of evidence.
One partner is more dependent than the other and applies possessiveness to prevent flight.
They were here to prevent flight and to make sure she went where ordered.
Section 1226(c) neither requires nor permits an official to determine whether Kim's detention was necessary to prevent flight or danger.
They will continue to live in San Francisco and will probably wear monitoring bracelets to prevent flight.
She said the elite, majority white classes are sometimes consciously created to prevent white flight.
Ideally, ailing prisoners should be confined to secure wards set up to prevent flight.
Some owners may also choose to just clip enough to slow their bird down, without preventing flight.