Or, looking at the other side of the coin, subsidies can prevent foreigners from gaining the power to exploit consumers back home.
The official reason given for preventing foreigners from working in the camp is that it is a restricted border zone.
With such financing, he says, the islands can control their economy, reduce emigration and prevent foreigners from buying up the islands.
Another law prevents foreigners from owning property on Bermuda for anything but personal enjoyment.
These are no secrets to be protected by law, or to prevent foreigners or criminals from seeing or knowing.
This prevented the Japanese from leaving and foreigners from entering the country, with controlled exceptions for trade purposes.
The police have been instructed to prevent foreigners from coming into contact with Chinese prostitutes, who are increasingly evident in major cities.
However some countries/regions have legislation which prevents foreigners owning such investment/holiday property.
They changed the spelling to Zanki to prevent foreigners from mispronouncing the name.
In addition, security-related issues have also prevented foreigners from travelling to Pakistan exclusively for seeking medical treatment.