Judge Weeks denied a motion by defense lawyers to prevent a jury from considering the death penalty as a possible sentence.
That did not prevent her, however, from considering this work very important.
He also said that ethics rules would not prevent him from considering actions involving the companies that are members of the association.
He wrote, "The Torah cannot prevent us from considering to be true that which our reason urges us to believe."
Even when the public vilifies him early in his career, Danny's strong sense of duty prevents him from considering retirement.
But the physicians' enthusiasm for it often prevents them from thoughtfully considering more conservative, less risky alternatives.
However, it will not prevent your new neighbors from considering you a family that bears watching.
But although they had matured morally, this did not prevent them from considering me an enemy.
While my uncle's tenacity prevented him from considering suicide, many do seek relief that only the end of life seems to bring.
In any case, its passing would dissolve the House and prevent the Senate from considering the proposed amendment.