The success on the pitch did not prevent the club from suffering declining attendances which enlarged the financial problems.
The senator called the child a hero and said he hoped the boy's death might prevent others from suffering the same fate.
However, this did not prevent Miguel from suffering the impact of the blasts, and he was still seriously injured.
The function of this depressive adaptation is to prevent the loser from suffering further defeat in a conflict.
To prevent an innocent man from suffering further.
Aid organizations are working to prevent the nomadic people from suffering similar fates.
She said she had come to Congress only to prevent others from suffering the fate of her husband and her son, who was also wounded.
She wants to prevent others from suffering in the same way.
Despite the defeat, his performance was not criticized, as he prevented his club from suffering more goals.
Watkins had suitable clothing to prevent him from suffering serious burns but his hands were affected.