Can I prevent gallstones?
Some people use artichoke for treating snakebites, preventing gallstones, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar; to increase urine flow; and as a tonic or stimulant.
Bile acids can also be used to help prevent gallstones from forming during rapid weight loss.
A sensible diet is the best way to prevent gallstones.
Outside the body it is used in experimental basis of cholagogues and is also in use to prevent and dissolve gallstones.
They are also used for preventing heart disease, gallstones, colon cancer, and stomach cancer.
Controlling your weight and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle may prevent gallstones and help reduce your risk of gallstone pancreatitis.
Preventing gallstones.
In the 1980s, hyodeoxycholic acid was investigated for its propensity to prevent cholesterol-induced gallstones in animals fed with a lithogenic diet.
Ursodiol is used to treat small gallstones in people who cannot have gallbladder surgery, and to prevent gallstones in overweight patients undergoing rapid weight loss.