Discover how keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to prevent cold germs from setting up shop in your body.
They help prevent germs from spreading in places such as households, schools, hospitals, child care centers, and animal shelters.
They prepped a reverse-airflow isolation room, with fans that would suck in air when a door was opened, preventing germs from escaping.
How can you protect the rest of the family and prevent germs from spreading?
But it really can't be stressed enough: hand washing is a crucial way to prevent germs from spreading.
The type of soap doesn't matter - to prevent germs, the regular stuff will work just as well as antibacterial soap.
To prevent germs from spreading, the same advice goes for you too.
It can help prevent germs from spreading.
That said, don't make yourself crazy in your attempts to prevent germs from spreading.
The main function of human skin is to keep the internal organs from drying up, and to prevent harmful germs from getting inside.