There is some evidence that taking vitamin C might help to prevent gallbladder disease in women.
The huge question that remains to be answered is whether hormones can prevent heart attacks and strokes in healthy women.
A healthy lifestyle goes a long way in preventing heart disease in women.
There is evidence that suggests taking magnesium might prevent bone loss in older women who have osteoporosis.
Its main purpose was providing education about preventing pregnancy in fertile women.
But the large government study revealed that hormone therapy did not prevent heart disease in older women.
Although estrogen provides an even bigger benefit, 10 to 20 percent, it is no longer recommended for preventing heart disease in women.
However, eating broccoli does not seem to help prevent breast cancer in older (postmenopausal) women.
If we really want to prevent trafficking in women, we will need to adopt a different approach.
There are therefore no sufficiently serious grounds for preventing the use of implants, except in young women less than 18 years old.