Star One controls a large defensive barrier that has prevented extra-galactic incursions.
The glittering new developments leapfrogging down the shoreline were intended to prevent just such incursions.
He said I must prevent further incursions into the mortal world or he would banish me to it stripped of all power.
These gamma rays heated molecular clouds and prevented human incursions into several regions.
Once this was established, camps of warriors were established along vulnerable borders to prevent incursions.
At night, they put chains on ships installed in the middle of the river connecting the two towers to prevent incursions from the river.
They say it is designed to prevent cross-border incursions by guerrillas from Lebanon.
Small garrisons could prevent minor incursions, but if a large force was detected a message was sent for the main army corps.
The bridges linking the two sides of the town were guarded by armed groups determined to prevent incursions by the other side.
We also call on the Chechen authorities to prevent such incursions being launched from their territory.