Yet the system would also be managed, because sponsors would have the leverage, for example, to prevent insurers from discriminating against the chronically ill.
The moratorium has helped prevent insurers from dropping policies en masse.
The measures, pending in both houses of Congress, would also prevent insurers from setting premiums based on genetic information.
The law, which prevents insurers from discriminating against small groups in their pricing and products, has served small companies well.
Some want to prevent insurers from imposing lifetime limits on the amount of money spent for any person in an employee health plan.
One purpose of this requirement is to prevent insurers from discriminating against sicker patients.
It also prevents insurers from cancelling a policy unjustly because of simple errors that were made on the insurance application forms.
Among the safeguards was a rule that functionally prevented private insurers from handling employee benefits.
This will prevent insurers from offering skimpy benefit packages that cater to the healthy.
The bill does not prevent insurers from discriminating against those with pre-existing conditions.