The court is examining a 1986 law that prevents investors outside the European Union from owning more than 20 percent of a French television network.
This one proved a disaster doing nothing significant, and the huge spread prevented investors from selling out except at a substantial loss.
But this has not been enough to prevent nervous investors from sending stocks down sharply this week.
The United States argues that such rules prevent investors from making choices on a rational basis and are ultimately harmful economically.
Originally, the Securities Act of 1933 aimed to provide more information on securities to prevent investors from being manipulated.
In an unusual move, the Fed released the text of his speech to prevent investors from misconstruing his remarks.
Neither prevented investors from fleeing or citizens from turning every ruble they have into dollars.
Basically, it would prevent investors and their lawyers from filing class-action securities fraud cases in state courts.
Do they have tax provisions or treaties to prevent overseas investors from being taxed both at home and in the investment country?
The Mesa board has passed a "poison pill" plan that prevents hostile investors from raising their stakes.