The government had been under pressure to delay parliamentary elections to prevent factional and militia leaders from dominating the process through intimidation and violence.
The offer was an effort to resolve the main impediment preventing Republican leaders in both chambers from reaching agreement on next year's budget.
In June 1999 the department made efforts to prevent provincial leaders from working in their native provinces in an attempt to prevent corruption.
Political stability prevents charismatic, populist leaders from attempting a coup via the ballot box.
So far, the party bosses have kept control, sometimes through brute force, preventing elected leaders from doing their jobs and thwarting the scrutiny of village accounts.
This is intended to prevent leaders in the future from gaining the same autocratic hold on office that Samaranch has held since being elected in 1980.
This system helped to prevent military leaders from having too much power.
But that has not prevented European leaders from complaining about the United States' rising indebtedness to the rest of the world.
They wanted a way to prevent corrupt leaders from using their power to deceive and subvert the people.
His inclusion here refers to his battles to prevent secular leaders from usurping papal territories.