A clamp prevents leaking until a rider takes a drink.
In Pakistan, a viscous, thick syrup made from the ripe fruits is used as a coating for leather bags and pipes to prevent leaking.
Often, the nozzle features an automatic shut-off valve to help prevent leaking and overfilling the mold.
You can purchase them with or without wings that fold over to prevent leaking.
Pressure vessels may be lined with various metals, ceramics, or polymers to prevent leaking and protect the structure of the vessel from the contained medium.
They can prevent leaking onto your clothes, control odor, and prevent skin irritation.
Such work is essential, he said, to prevent leaking and to hold the masonry in the proper position.
Crimp edges well to prevent leaking and cut a few air vents in the top.
The smooth stems are surrounded by packing material to prevent leaking material from the valve.