The Palestinian leadership says it will try to prevent militants from attacking Israel, but says Israeli raids threaten to undermine the truce.
But this week Israel carved Gaza into four sectors in an attempt to prevent weapons and militants from moving about.
The army had recently pulled its forces back from Jenin, surrounding the city and digging a trench around it to prevent militants from sneaking out.
Mines will not prevent terrorism crossing the border into Afghanistan, or militants who come and kill our people.
Mr. Aufhauser, 54, said that cutting off money remained one of the best defenses against terrorism because that prevented militants from planning and organizing effectively.
Palestinian forces will also be deployed, in coordination with the Israelis, to try to prevent Palestinian militants from disrupting the pullout.
He has ordered Palestinian security forces to fan out in northern Gaza to prevent militants from firing their homemade rockets and mortars at the Israelis.
The attack was one of the worst in months as Afghan and American security forces have tried to prevent militants from planning major violence against elections for Parliament this spring.
The Israeli military said the airstrike was intended to prevent militants from firing rockets into Israel.
He proposed hi tech ground sensors along the line of control to prevent militants from infiltrating into Indian administered Kashmir.