It is aged an average of 12 months and sometimes the wheels are covered in a chili pepper paste to prevent mold.
When painting, add mold inhibitor to paint to prevent mold from growing.
Check for leaks and use an exhaust fan to prevent mold from returning.
They told her to keep the air-conditioning on to prevent mold, a luxury she cannot afford given the circumstances, she said.
In fact, the researchers found that bee delivery is more effective than spraying in preventing mold.
Moving air may prevent mold from growing since it has the same desiccating effect as lowering humidity.
Nystatin, an antifungal, was sprayed on the wood to prevent mold from growing.
Unlike photographs, leather paintings are displayed without a glass cover, to prevent mold.
These were then chemically treated to prevent mold and heat-sealed.
And the windows in the doors, necessary to circulate the air and prevent mold, are much too high up to see through.