But there are still too many obstacles preventing nations that need it from using DDT when appropriate.
One goal of the programs is to prevent hostile nations from luring those scientists to work on clandestine nuclear programs.
Can or should the United States try to prevent other nations from acquiring nuclear bombs?
This failure of politics to dominate economics has not prevented nations from seeking enough territory to be economically self-sufficient.
It also prevents potentially hostile nations from buying Moscow's sensitive military technology.
The rules are intended to prevent nations outside the agreement from taking advantage of the lower tariffs.
This effect appears to be so consistent that it may prevent nations from being highly religious while enjoying good internal socioeconomic conditions.
That the U.S. will act decisively to prevent rogue nations from developing nuclear weapons?
We're also breaking down bureaucratic barriers that have prevented tribal nations from developing clean energy like wind and solar power.
Russia secured a provision preventing nations from using the resolution as a pretext for intervention in Libya.