In the continental United States, to prevent overgrazing, match the forage supplement to the herd's requirement.
Barbed wire, an innovation of the 1880s, allowed cattle to be confined to designated areas to prevent overgrazing of the range.
In 1986, park rangers saw the need to begin controlling the bison population to prevent overgrazing and disease.
Army officials prevented overgrazing by kicking intruding ranchers and sheep out of the park.
Carl Dahlman argues that commons were effectively managed to prevent overgrazing.
Red deer are culled annually to prevent overgrazing, as they lack natural predators with the extinction of the wolf in Scotland.
To prevent overgrazing, it was vitally necessary for each farm to keep accurate, updated head-counts.
The Nature Conservancy bought the island in the 1970s, rounded up the sheep, and removed them to prevent overgrazing.
The invention of barbed wire in the 1880s allowed cattle to be confined to designated areas to prevent overgrazing of the range.
In addition, he proposed standards to prevent overgrazing.